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Freedom from Abuse and Neglect

By September 13, 2018Blog


Alarmingly, the rate of abuse of people with disability in Australia is still extremely high.

Statistics tell us that women with disability, in particular, are four to ten times more likely to face abuse than women without a disability and that around 90% of women with intellectual disability experience sexual abuse at some point in their lives.

IDS has always applied a zero tolerance of abuse of our clients by staff or other people. All IDS employees are required to comply with clearly defined guidelines on what is and what is not appropriate behaviour. These guidelines are designed to assist workers to identify and respond quickly and appropriately to allegations of exploitation, abuse, harassment and neglect.

IDS support staff are required to complete case notes following a shift supporting a client. They are required to report any welfare concerns to their Client Support Officer immediately. In addition IDS Client Support Officers regularly contact our clients to ensure they are satisfied with the support they receive and that it is delivered in an appropriate manner.

The IDS recruitment and induction program ensures that the staff we engage are appropriately qualified and experience to meet the needs of our clients. Where required we will provide training, mentoring or on-the-job supervision before placing a worker with a client.

IDS is committed to:

  • Zero tolerance for abuse,

  • Acting upon all reported cases of abuse or suspected abuse, exploitation, bullying, harassment and neglect,

  • Never prejudicing against clients or employees who make a complaint or report abuse or neglect,

  • Maintaining a positive complaints culture in which people are not afraid to ‘speak up’,

  • Respecting, recognising and valuing the diversity of people and cultures, and creating an inclusive environment where it is safe for people with a disability to express their identity,

  • Actively promoting and maintaining a working environment in which the risks of abuse are minimised.



If you have a question or concern related to this article, email or phone 03 9340 5100.